Acceptance rate 46%
Time to first decision 6 months*
Time to decision with review 50 days*

*Approximate number of days

**The days mentioned above are averages and do not indicate exact durations. The process may vary for each article.

ACTA Pharmaceutica Sciencia 2009 , Vol 51 , Num 1
Acısu sok. 12/5, Vişnezade, Beşiktaş, Istanbul, Turkey Viewed : 17208 - Downloaded : 4708 The flora of Istanbul and its surroundings is actually well known thanks to the nine volumes of Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands and its two supplements. Basing on specimen citations accepted in these eleven volumes, we compiled in 2002 a mainlist of the taxa recorded for the province of Istanbul, which covers a surface of 5312 km2 as for the year 2000. The mainlist comprises 2218 taxa of Pteridophyta plus Spermatophyta, with 533 monocots and 238 grasses. The Istanbul specimens in ISTE, c.8500 in number, were corresponding to 1502 taxa, i.e. the 68 % of the whole list. The grasses were reaching the 75 % of those inscribed in the main list. According to Flora of Turkey, the number of collector names in the citations of Istanbul specimens is 140. The types count 80, the endemics 21. Four of the endemics will be no more considered as such, although remaining endemic to Turkey, as we have in ISTE specimens collected outside Istanbul: Isatis arenaria, Linum tauricum subsp. bosphori, Onosma proponticum, Symphytum pseubulbosum. The endemism of Verbascum degeni is doubtful. A survey in ISTE has enabled to add 160 taxa to the mainlist. Some aliens are to be added to the flora of Istanbul and that of Turkey: *Pinus pinaster, *Solanum capsicastrum, *S. sodomeum, *S. jasminoides. The presence of Juniperus communis subsp. communis was already confirmed by a specimen collected from one locality in Istanbul in Europe. The following taxa, accepted in the Flora, should be added to the flora of Istanbul: *Dichondra repens, *Commelina communis, *Aster squamatus, *Solanum cornutum, *Aptenia cordifolia, *Acacia retinodes, *A. dealbata, *A. cyanophylla, *A. karroo, Amaranthus viridis. Not less than 2400 Pteridophyta plus Spermatophyta have been recorded up to now from the province of Istanbul. Keywords : FLORA OF ISTANBUL, FLORA OF TURKEY

Istanbul Medipol University