Acceptance rate 46%
Time to first decision 6 months*
Time to decision with review 50 days*

*Approximate number of days

**The days mentioned above are averages and do not indicate exact durations. The process may vary for each article.

ACTA Pharmaceutica Sciencia 2017 , Vol 55 , Num 1
Diabetes Mellitus: A Review on Pathophysiology, Current Status of Oral Pathophysiology, Current Status of Oral Medications and Future Perspectives
Mehmet Evren Okur 1-2 Ioannis D. Karantas 3 Panoraia I. Siafaka 4
1 Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Anadolu, 26470, Tepebaşı, Eskişehir, Turkey
2 Eskişehir State Hospital, Odunpazarı, Eskişehir, Turkey
3 Ippokratio General Hospital, B Clinic of Internal Medicine, Thessaloniki, 541 24, Greece
4 Laboratory of Polymer Chemistry and Technology, Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54 124, Thessaloniki, Greece
DOI : 10.23893/1307-2080.APS.0555 Viewed : 22918 - Downloaded : 27893 Diabetes mellitus (DM), belongs to the class of metabolic diseases which the main symptom associated with this disease is the high sugar levels in blood for a long period. It can be categorized to the world?s major diseases considering that affects high population in earth and presents two main types I and II. Diabetes complications include possible blindness, amputation of lower limb, renal failure, and cardiac arrest or stroke. This review summarizes the pathophysiology for both types of DM, the variety of antidiabetic medications as well as future perspectives. Until now injectable medications are more frequently used in order to achieve the desirable treatment. Patients prefer oral antidiabetic medications since are easier to be administered and for this reason researchers focus their studies at this direction. This work also aimed to present and evaluate possible oral formulations against DM type II. Keywords : Diabetes mellitus, Epidemiology, Medications, Current status

Istanbul Medipol University